Streamline Your Bookkeeping With These 7 QuickBooks Hacks

Bookkeeping can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. QuickBooks is a powerful tool that can simplify the bookkeeping process and increase efficiency.

The Hacks

Use keyboard shortcuts

QuickBooks has a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can save time and make bookkeeping easier. For example, the "Ctrl + I" shortcut can be used to create an invoice, while "Ctrl + F" can be used to find transactions.

Customize your dashboard

The QuickBooks dashboard is customizable, which means you can tailor it to your specific needs. You can add shortcuts to frequently used features and reports, and remove features that are unnecessary.

Use batch actions

QuickBooks allows you to perform batch actions, which means that you can make changes to multiple transactions at once. For example, you can select multiple invoices and mark them as paid in one go.

Set up recurring transactions

Recurring transactions are transactions that occur on a regular basis, such as monthly rent payments or utility bills. QuickBooks allows you to set up recurring transactions in advance, which saves time and helps to ensure nothing is missed.

Use bank feeds

QuickBooks allows you to connect bank accounts and credit cards, which means that transactions can be automatically downloaded and categorized, saving time and reducing error risk.

Use the mobile app

The QuickBooks mobile app is a powerful tool that allows you to access your accounts on the go. You can view reports, send invoices, and even process payments from your mobile device.

Take advantage of integrations

QuickBooks integrates with a variety of other tools and services, such as PayPal, Square, Salesforce, and TSheets. You can take advantage of these integrations to streamline your workflow and save time.

QuickBooks can be a powerful tool for business owners and their bookkeepers. By using keyboard shortcuts, customizing the dashboard, using batch actions, setting up recurring transactions, using bank feeds, using the mobile app, and taking advantage of integrations, you can simplify the bookkeeping process and focus on more important tasks.

Let our team know if you need help with bookkeeping or if you’d like to discuss our virtual CFO services.  

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