3 QuickBooks Tips for 2023

The new year is a great time to take stock of your key business processes. With that in mind, here are three, key QuickBooks areas to take a look at as you enter 2023.

1. Start with a QuickBooks cleanup.

A great deal of attention goes to entering data correctly, while little review happens after that. In fact, when was the last time you looked at what data is in your QuickBooks account?

A general rule of thumb is that if it’s not accounting-related, it doesn’t belong in QuickBooks. Take time now to make the split between your accounting data and your sales data. 

2. Review who has access to your QuickBooks account.

Many businesses default to providing every user with the same level of access but this isn’t the smartest approach. Fortunately, QuickBooks has a great user permission system that allows you to segment users and provides access to the right level of information they need to do their job.

For example, your AR and AP specialists don’t need access to your bank statements. So, why give them full access to all your QuickBooks data?

When in doubt, default to providing less access and raising it as you receive questions and requests from your team — versus opting to provide unrestricted access to your QuickBooks account. 

Tip: This is a great time to change your passwords and make sure that every platform you use has a separate password in case one ever gets compromised.

3. Build solid foundations for growth.

As you head into 2023, put systems in place to reach your growth objectives. QuickBooks has a great directory of apps for both QuickBooks Online and Desktop users; making it a great place to find tools that can increase productivity and extend the power of your accounting software.

If you need help with your QuickBooks accounts, give us a call

AccountingArpita Joshi