While several changes were made, one of the most important was changing the 11-Month Rule for determining whether someone is a permanent resident of New York state to a 10-Month Rule, beginning in the tax year 2022.
Read MoreAs of the 2021 financial reporting period, the Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 134 audit opinion requirements went through substantial changes. The new standards take effect for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after Dec. 15, 2021.
Read MoreWhether you're a veteran in the world of government contracts, or a newbie, you may have some questions about starting a government contract on the right foot. Click though to get the answers you need to some essential questions before you start your next contract.
Read MoreThe term "audit" carries a negative stigma and conjures images of grueling paperwork. But did you know that an audit might be to your advantage? Click through below to learn the benefits of nonprofit auditing.
Read MoreNew entrepreneurs think about production, marketing, sales and human resources — but often forget the tax angle. You need to be on top of your IRS situation from day one. Click through for an overview of taxes for new businesses.
Read MoreFor now, the Build Back Better Act is on hold, and many provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 expired, including some that may be extended retroactively. The following article lists some of the more far-reaching of these provisions, but keep in mind that it is not a definitive list.
Read MoreThere's a lot to think about before taking your company public. Don't consider going public unless all or most of the following are true.
Read MoreHere are some key items for taxpayers to know before they file next year, including charitable contributions, economic impact payments and advance child tax credit payments.
Read MoreThe 2022 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical, or moving purposes has been announced.
Read MoreThe Employee Retention Credit now applies only to wages paid before October 1, 2021, unless the employer is a recovery startup business. Read more…
Read MoreNow is a good time to check to make sure you're up on the rules. If you do not file Form IT-2104, your employer may use zero as your number of allowances.
Read MoreWith the end of the year in sight, the IRS has announced inflation adjustments taking effect in the new year.
Read MoreAny profit from the sale of your home is reported on Schedule D as a capital gain if you realize a profit in excess of the exclusion amounts or if you don't qualify for the exclusion.
Read MoreHow did you do this year and what can you claim? Take our test to see how well you’re doing and where you might need help.
Read MoreHow this change could significantly impact your financial statement and cash flows, especially if you're in technology and life sciences and conduct a lot of research.
Read MoreThere are multiple ways of incorporating. What's the right format in your situation?
Read MoreA QTIP trust, which is irrevocable, is especially useful if you have children from another marriage. Learn how to leverage this trust in your situation.
Read MoreWhile the prospect of vacant properties can be daunting, there are opportunities for landlords and real estate investors, including reinventing how commercial real property can be used.
Read MoreDid you know balance sheets look different for owners who purchase property to rent than for owners who purchase property to develop and sell?
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